Ariza & Camargo Dental Center

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At Ariza & Camargo Dental Center we have a specialized team to offer you the best service in:

Oral Implantology
General treatments
Prosthodontics and Restoration
X Rays
Dental Laboratory
Psychological Assistance
Financial Options and Assistance

Additionally and considering that the costs of treatments in Bogota are a fraction of the costs abroad, with the same or better quality, Ariza & Camargo Dental Center offers packages for you to travel to our clinic within Colombia or from other countries.

If you would like to have additional information about these packages or any other of our services, please contact us by email: or simply check our "Contact Us" section on this web site.

Also, Ariza & Camargo Dental Center is the Dental clinic preferred by several companies of the government and also by private companies that offer dental packages to their employees. If you are an entrepreneur or business manager and would like more information on this type on service for your employees, please contact us at: or check our "Contact Us" section on this web site.

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